Room 228 News

Here are our latest announcements and newsletters

December, 2022

The dos and the don’ts of the office Christmas party…Bah humbug!

Santa STILL says No No No at this 3rd COVID-impacted office Christmas party!

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September, 2022

Ruder Finn Asia and Join Forces in Hong Kong to Offer Crisis Management Planning and Solutions

Powerful Combination of Legal, Communications Resources Immediately Available to Clients Experiencing High Risk Events

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September, 2022

Ooops, my phone fell in the harbour !

In this latest edition of our Room 228 Newsletter, the team takes a look at the recent high profile UK libel case nick-named Wagatha Christie with some Top Tips on what to do and what not to do with your electronic data in a contentious situation if you want to avoid your claims of accidental loss or destruction of electronic information having more than a whiff of "the dog ate my homework" !

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August, 2022

Death, Taxes….. and disagreements

In this latest edition of our Room 228 Newsletter, the team takes a look at the reasons why business owners may be reluctant to pay for legal advice on their way into a new venture, and then end up paying far, far more on their way out !

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August, 2022

More new starters at !

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June, 2022

Don’t become a fraud statistic !

The criminal fraud numbers reported in the 18 June 2022 edition of the South China Morning Post are staggering with the headline reading “Fraudsters swindled HK$1.28 billion from more than 6,000 Hongkongers through online, phone scams in first 4 months of the year”.

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June, 2022

Guide to Giving Evidence in Court

The team have produced a Guide to Giving Evidence in Court which contains some Top Tips as well as some Dos and Don’ts if you’re ever unlucky enough to have to give ‘live’ evidence from a witness box in a courtroom, which (we know from personal experience) is one of the most stressful and difficult things that anyone can do, ever. We hope this helps !

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